Spirito is based in Lyon and operates mainly
in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. It is a
professional choir with a variable geometry,
ranging from chamber to symphonic forms.
The choir aims to restore the great a cappella
tradition and willingly performs the major
works of the late 19th and 20th centuries.
Its mixed programmes set a different
tone, fluidly revealing possible bridges
between past and contemporary music.
The Spirito choir joins the Orchestre national
de Lyon or other orchestral ensembles for the
symphonic repertoire, collaborating with its
sister choirs, the Jeune Chœur symphonique
and the Jeune Chœur d’Auvergne. The Young
Symphonic Choir serves as a platform for the
transmission of knowledge and choral practice
at the highest level. It provides opportunities
for young musicians, choirmasters, singers,
and accompanying pianists to discover the
challenges of the musician’s profession through
proximity to professional musicians and
broadcasting venues. The choir also serves as
a natural breeding ground for future Spirito
singers and a place of professional integration.
Since 2019, the Spirito choir has been
designated as a Vocal Art Centre – National
Program by the Ministry of Culture for
the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
This confirms and strengthens its artistic
and cultural presence in the educational
sphere and to the restricted public.
Spirito – Vocal Art Centre, National Program
serves as a resource for meetings between
amateur and professional musicians. It
provides a substantial collection of scores and
complementary documents, as well as the
expertise of its administrative and artistic teams.
The centre is expanding its field of
investigation to constantly update knowledge
of the functioning of the voice. The artistic and
scientific committee, comprised of recognised
experts, will define a research framework to
provide information through partnerships.
This will include conferences, publications, and
the creation of a vocal analysis laboratory.
Spirito has a three-year agreement with the Ministère de
la Culture / Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
and the City of Lyon, with the support of the Maison
de la Musique Contemporaine and the Centre National
de la Musique. Spirito is a member of Fevis, Profedim,
Arviva and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Spectacle Vivant.