
Haïti mon amour

Célimène Daudet

After the critical success of her last two solo albums, Célimène Daudet comes back with her most personal project.

“Haïti my love” is a passionate declaration to her Caribbean origins through the prism of her music and her little-known classical composers. Lamothe, Elie and Saintonge will know how to surprise you and take you on a musical journey that tells the rhythms, landscapes and colours of the country. Fascinated by Chopin, who influenced him a lot, Ludovic Lamothe was even nicknamed “the Chopin Noir” because of his dreamlike, deeply sensitive and lyrical music. So many unpublished gems just waiting to be shared and known!


Press Review

Belle interview de Célimène Daudet dans le quotidien Le Devoir !

Célimène Daudet mise à l’honneur par LeDevoir avant son concert à Montréal à la Salle Bourgie, qui reprendra des pièces extraites de ses albums “Haiti mon amour”, “Messe noire” et “Messiaen, Debussy : Préludes”.

Cliquez ci-dessous pour lire l’article ! 

Entretien avec Célimène Daudet dans Classic Agenda

A l’occasion de la sortie de son album solo “Messiaen, Debussy”, Célimène Daudet s’est confiée au micro de Frédéric Hutman.
Entretien paru sur Classic Agenda, à écouter ci-dessous.