Olivier Baumont

Olivier Baumont’s discography, regularly praised by the international press, includes around sixty recordings mainly as a soloist: the complete harpsichord works of Rameau and François Couperin, the works of Bach, Handel, Telemann, Purcell, Chambonnières, Daquin, Balbastre and of 18th-century Russian and American composers. He has recently completed an album of music from Versailles for harpsichord and violin with Julien Chauvin on two historical instruments of the castle.
At the Cité de la Musique in Paris, in 2014 Olivier Baumont launched a cycle of 20 performances dedicated to the complete works for harpsichord of Bach.
He recently produced the music for the film Une Vie by Stéphane Brizé, based on the book by Maupassant.
He has published Couperin, le musicien des rois, La musique à Versailles and À l’Opéra, monsieur!: La musique dans les Mémoires de Saint-Simon.

Since September 2001, he has been professor of harpsichord at the Paris Conservatory.